Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Paris tips from "been there done that"

Do not take a taxi. Get a rail pass. The subway system is excellent, get a subway map and each evening in your hotel before retiring for the night, write out your travel (as the subway is only in French). You have to see the %26quot;touristy%26quot; stuff, after all you have taken a long flight. However, let me tell you, the best part of my trip - - I would get off the subway at a random stop and just want the streets and fit in with the locals. DO NOT wear tennis shoes, a fanny pack, etc... you will stick out like a sore thumb and you are telling everyone I AM A TOURIST and trust me, you will be looked down on. I actually had tourist stop me in their best %26quot;broken French%26quot; for help - - what a hoot! This from a Southern Belle :-)


I like your idea of getting off at random stops! Might have to try that next time around.

You%26#39;ll likely also get people in this forum to come back and say %26quot;wear whatever you want, who cares!%26quot;, but I am in agreement with you. There are ways to be comfortable and blend in and not stand out. I%26#39;m also a bit old school in that I was there in 1983 for my junior year abroad and before leaving I was instructed by my program to blend in and not draw attention to myself. I%26#39;d also traveled to England with my parents a couple of times in the 70s. People forget that there was plenty of terrorism at that time both internally and aimed at Americans and measures for safety in Europe were higher while we were still blissfully ignorant in the USA. For a variety of reasons, I also agree to ditch the bright white sneaks and fanny packs.


Hi ala !!

I like your idea about the subways.

We do the same with buses when we feel like slowing down. We go to last stop on an interesting route, a little sight seeing while resting and relaxing. If we see something interesting we get off and walk around.


What is a fanny pack?


This is a fanny pack: …outdoorinteractive.net/mgen/289209_d.jpg


Thank you, now I see.



P.S. I miss my trips to NYC! I miss the food - especially late at night, it just seems to taste so much better.


Well ala,

Come on up, take a subway and get off.



%26gt;%26gt; as the subway is only in French %26lt;%26lt;

It%26#39;s *mostly* in French. An increasing part of the signage is now tri- or quadrilingual.

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