Has anyone gone to the jules verne resturant lately?
I would like to know your opinion. what were the prices like and how was the food? Do they do lunch?
There%26#39;s a search box up near the top
left of the page that is handy for questions like this...
I looked up the search and the last entry was around 2007 in reference to jules verne. I was hoping to get a more update response.
Going Christmas Eve. Had reservations for Christmas Day but they upped the price and I cancelled and moved to Christmas Eve. Heard pros and cons about food and service so don%26#39;t know. I looked at the same posts that you read. I%26#39;ll send you a report after Christmas if it will help.
Thank you I would like that. Hope you have a wonderful time.
Did you also see on the website the %26quot;behind the scenes tour%26quot;? I would like to knoe how that is also
We had an evening meal for two in July. Total cost was around 500 euros.
Just magic: looking up Champs de Mars and eating excellent food.
I posted a review recently. Put Jules Verne into the search box and click on the top entry that comes up.
There are two lots of posts for this site. I have asked TA staff to look into it.
I%26#39;m so you put this post up jeanamaria! I%26#39;m going there for lunch on January 1. I%26#39;m really looking forward to it, but like a lot of people, have heard very mixed reviews. Fingers crossed we both get a wonderful meal :)
Lynn48 I put in jules verne in the seaarch and cliked on the top one and i did not see your review. I did see a few others.
Try restaurant reviews, to the left.
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