I%26#39;m looking for some movies to rent that would be suitable for our 6 and 8 year and if possible interesting for us. They%26#39;ve seen Pirates of the Caribbean, Simpsons Movie etc if that gives you an idea of what is ok.
what about ratatouille, it is set in france, don%26#39;t know about paris but it%26#39;s a start.
My daughter loved Madeline cartoons, some of the %26#39;action%26#39; takes place in Paris.
There was a feature film made of the original %26#39;..MADELINE..%26#39; children%26#39;s book series, back in 1998 that shot some of its exteriors in and around Paris. The film is available in video rental--
Yes, Ratatouille is set in Paris plus it%26#39;s a great film.
I vote for Amelie, it will be fun to follow the thread of all the nice Paris neighborhoods featured in the movie (Montmartre, Canal Saint Martin, etc).
I am a great fan of Amelie but I think it has some adult themes that would not be appropriat for very young children.
There are the Audrey Hepburn movies like Funny Face and charade.
I%26#39;d show them Ratatouille without question. We absolutely love Amelie but I agree it%26#39;s a bit adult for kids that age.
Ratatouille has beautifully rendered 3D views of Paris. There is one scene where the primary characters (rats of course) visit an actual Paris landmark near Les Halles, a shop dedicated to rat control. (http://boutique.aurouze.fr/ ). The shop is so impeccably and faithfully reproduced in the animated movie that taking the kids there after they%26#39;ve seen the film might be really interesting.
And yes, I realize that%26#39;s morbid but kids can relate to the film.
We have seen Ratatouille - the kids got it last Christmas, but we didn%26#39;t take any movies with us for our year in Ireland as they are NTSC. Though we could probably rent it cheap enough. I will look out for that live Madeline one, I can%26#39;t remember what we have see. DD (8) was on a Madeline kick for a while - she is also the French speaker of the family. I will have to save Amelie for just DH and I.
Metromole - the rat shop is now on the kiddos to do list :)
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