first time holidaymakers to paris this coming july with 3 small children. apart from eurodisney, which i understand will be like a mad house, are there any other attractions or places of interest in and around paris and the surrounding area which would suit children, bearing in mind we will have a car.
Hi bgekk,
I think a boat ride on the Seine, a trip to the zoo, any of the parks and gardens, Verasailles or Fontainbleu, would be wonderful places for children to see and run around, except for the boat. A place I always wanted to see, Chantilly, the horse racing chateau, could also be a lot of fun. You can picnic alot as well. You see alot of the great sites from the Seine boat ride. Have a great time !!!
You will be receiving a lot more info here.
Start with this : type %26quot;Paris with kids%26quot; in the search box, you will get loads of ideas and may come back to the forum with more precise questions!
i didn%26#39;t think i could only post precise questions only-leon, have a look at the board and tell me just how many questions are %26quot;precise%26quot;, sorry for asking. you may want to type in (get a life) and see what comes up.
but apart from you, i will appreciate any advice from the board.
relax bgekk, I didn%26#39;t want to hurt you, just wanted to inform you that there are already a lot of answers to your question, just browsing the forum (with 1600+ posts I think I do actually answer all type of questions, lol!).
i understand that you may have all day do look through 1600 + posts, but i certainly dont. but if you ever want to come to northern ireland, i will be only too happy to give you any advice and answer any questions that you may have.
bgekk, that was pretty rude. Only-lyon%26#39;s advice was good advice and would have made an excellent starting point for the research.
I certainly won%26#39;t help you with your request now that you%26#39;ve taken that attitude. We aren%26#39;t paid to answer questions on this forum so helping rude people isn%26#39;t in the cards. Take a hike.
bjekk, really, you need to relax. The search function is there for a reason. You have until next July to research your trip. You needn%26#39;t look at all 1,600+ in one day.
You also needn%26#39;t be rude to people who are taking their own time to answer your questions. Be nice.
You don%26#39;t need to take %26quot;all day%26quot; to go through your search responses. But you must take SOME time, as this is your holiday.
The search function is very helpful. But then again, it can only help you as much as you let it.
Relax. This forum is an awesome place to not only gather information, but live vicariously through those who are actually lucky enough to live in Paris or visit frequently.
Try it -- you%26#39;ll like it. That%26#39;s how many of us get started -- we haunt the forums and use the search function. Then we post and try to ask precise questions.
Have a great trip.
I typed Paris for Children into Google and got huge amounts of info. When you have looked at that and maybe need to decide between several options, put that to TA. The info on the web is astounding, but come to TA for things like %26quot;Was Parc de la Villette any good for kids aged under 7?%26quot; (which it is, by the way, as is the trip back down through the locks through the Canal St Martin to the Seine)
Google first, refine on TA seems the best way to go.
Hi --
I thought the most precise answer to your question was %26quot;Yes%26quot;.
The next most useful thing I can tell you is Paris is no place to have a car. The driving isn%26#39;t bad, but the parking is, and it%26#39;s also very expensive. You will probably need to stay in one of the near suburbs where hotels more commonly have parking.
Since you don%26#39;t seem to be interested enough in researching your own trip to buy a guide book or two, you%26#39;re probably best advised to go to a travel agency. Those are the folks who are paid to tell you where you want to go and what you want to do when you get there.
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